creek technically has no name, but I call it Hunt Creek because it runs
along Hunt Road. It flows only when it has recently rained and almost completely
stops flowing in less than a week after the rain. In order to photograph
along this creek I have to arrive the day of the rain or the day after.
This was the day after and the water flow had already slowed, but I liked
the subtle tier of the three cascades as they work their way down from
the top right to the lower left. The rocks in this area are quite red in
color. All along this creek there are signs of the native Americans
that once inhabited this area. There are lots of mortar holes along the
edges of the creek where they once ground the acorns from the oak trees
and washed them in the creek. This creek is located where the Sierra foothills
just start to climb out of the San Joaquin valley in California. From this
point looking west, behind you, you can see the entire San Joaqiun valley
open up below. You can imagine the advantage this view must have provided
them during their time. |